The International Black Summit Network

Calling All Youth & The Purpose-Driven Too!
Generation BEFY Network is a youth/community empowerment movement designed to act as a counter and deterrent to destructive lifestyle choices such as drugs, gangs, and violence. Generation BEFY encourages and assists those who desire to pursue higher education and/or personal self-development. GBN was introduced to the general public in April, 2010. Awards were developed and distributed in honor of the first speakers and contributors to the first conference/symposium. We are now issuing calls for submission of nominees for the 2011 awards which are as follows:

B.E.F.Y Empowerment will annually recognize and award 12 deserving individuals who have answered the call for positive change through educational excellence and pursuits, positive attitude, community activism, or personal self development. These awards are given in honor of founding contributors to the first annual BEFY Education & Networking Symposium held April 22-24, 2010 in Wilson, NC.

Forrest Toms Young Scholar Award: This annual award is given to a student who consistently maintains a 3.0 or higher GPA with aspirations to pursue higher education and/or an advanced degree.

Calvin Ellison Visionary Award: This annual award is given to an individual that is actively pursuing a vision that will positively impact the community.

Daryl Woodard Leader of Tomorrow Award: This annual award is given to an individual displaying positive leadership characteristics.

Marcedes Fuller Young & Gifted Award: This annual award is given to an individual under age 30 that is gifted in the area of ministry, arts, public speaking, or academics.

Howard/Fowler-Davis Destined For Greatness Award: This annual award is given to an individual who continues to accomplish and achieve in the face of obstacles and odds.

Robert X. Golphin Young Man Of Purpose Award: This annual award is given to a young male under age 30 that displays a positive attitude, excels academically, and possesses leadership qualities.

Reginald Bullock U-turn Award: This annual award is given to an individual once heading down a negative path personally, academically, spiritually or otherwise, who has taken steps to walk in a more positive direction.

Carletha Ward Determination Award: This annual award is given to an individual who is determined to pursue dreams and goals in the face of obstacles and/or adversity.

LaTanya Davis Young Lady of Purpose Award: This annual award is given to a young female under age 30 that displays a positive attitude, excels academically, and possesses leadership qualities.

Joseph S. Davis Chasing The Dream Award: This annual award is given to an individual who is enthusiastically pursuing a dream or goal that will financially empower the community.

Dameion L. Royal Mind on Ministry Award: This annual award is given to an individual whose focus is on developing a ministry that will bring spiritual empowerment to the community.

B.E.F.Y Empowerment Award: This annual award is given to an individual who is academically giifted, engages in volunteerism, and is an all-around positive individual focused on community.

To nominate an individual for any of the above awards, please contact S. Denice Newton at and briefly describe why this nominee should be considered. A formal application will be sent to you at that time.

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