The International Black Summit Network

Are You Ready for the rest of 2012

This is the time of year when entrepreneurs and small business owners look at the next fiscal year and work on their budget.  Are you ready for the rest of 2012?  What new technologies are you going to implement into your budget for the rest of 2012?  What are your present goals?  Have you looked at what was working and what isn’t working the last three months of 2012?  Video marketing is one of the things that people know about but not sure if they need it want it or can afford it.  Here are some tips on getting a great production company to do your video marketing projects. 

  1. Ask for a reel of their work and if they have a website to review past projects and client testimonials.
  2. Ask what experience they have, how long they have been in business, what degrees if any, who are some of their past clients, some websites list that information some don’t so ask if you don’t see it.
  3. Interview the company as if you are hiring an employee, if you feel that they are not answering the questions or they take issue with your questions then don’t hire them.
  4. Find out where they get their talent, who is going to actually work on your project.
  5. Production companies vary, some have editors and some don’t make sure you ask.  If you choose someone to video tape, make sure that you choose a good company to edit.  Ask the company how many projects the editor is currently working on so they don’t put your project on the bottom of the list especially if you have a deadline to meet.
  6. Ask the company if they let the clients give editors notes.  This is very important because you want to see a draft and make changes if you are not happy with the video.  Also ask if they charge extra for the drafts.
  7. Make sure the company put things in writing.  I do contracts with every client that I work with.  Why because every project is different and some clients ask for specific things.  Putting it in writing lets the client know that we will accommodate their needs. 
  8. Be clear on the cost.  Having this in writing can ensure the project cost, also if the production company charges for editors notes or other provisions you will know ahead of time. 
  9. Ask the company if they have other services that they provide i.e. video marketing, video consulting how they can build a video marketing campaign around that video you just paid for.  Few production companies add the social media on-line presences piece to their services so ask. 
  10. Last but not least duplication is another service that you may want.  You may want to do electronic press kit for your marketing packages, so ask if the company adds the video to the mini cd-roms and if so how many do they duplicate.  You may want to add that to your complete production package.   Be aware that the mini cd-roms only holds 4-6 minutes of video.

Eula M. Young, COO & Co-founder of  Griot’s Roll Film Production & Services Inc. is certified with the New York City Department of Small Business Services Inc. and the New York State Economic Development Corporation. (212) 281-2286

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