Time: January 25, 2010 at 6pm to February 1, 2010 at 7pm
Location: Academy of Virtual Entrepreneurs - Online Education
Website or Map: http://www.aove.org
Event Type: education, web, design
Organized By: Andrea Jackson
Latest Activity: Jan 25, 2010
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Instructor: Jules Burnell
Web: Current students will be provided with free website hosting on my server during the duration of this course so you have a place to upload your work as you progress.
Course Length: Module 101 is two weeks.
Each module (101, 102, 103, 104) of two weeks each builds on the previous module and should be completed in the order given. This course is a total of eight (8) weeks in length.
Date Course Begins: You may enroll any day of the week with class beginning the following Monday.
Instructor, Text Intro, and Orientation
Your brain on HTML & CSS.Here you are trying to learn something, while here your brain is doing you a favor by making sure the learning doesn’t stick. Your brain’s thinking, “Better leave room for more important things, like which wild animals to avoid and whether naked snowboarding is a bad idea.” So how do you trick your brain into thinking that your life depends on knowing HTML & CSS?
Getting to know HTML: The Language of the Web
The only thing that is standing between you and getting yourself on the Web is learning to speak the lingo:HyperText Markup Language, or HTML for short. So, get ready for some language lessons. After this chapter, not only are you going to understand some basic elements of HTML, but you’ll also be able to speak HTML with a little style.Heck, by the end of this book you’ll be talking HTML like you grew up in Webville.
Meet the ‘HT’ in HTML: going further, with hypertext
Did someone say “hypertext?”What’s that? Oh, only the entire basis of the Web. In Chapter 1 we kicked the tires of HTML and found it to be a nice markup language (the ‘ML’ in HTML) for describing the structure of Web pages. Now we’re going to check out the ‘HT’ in HTML, hypertext, which will let us break free of a single page and link to other pages. Along the way we’re going to meet a powerful new element, the element, and learn how being “relative” is a groovy thing. So, fasten your seat belts – you’re about to learn some hypertext.
Web Page Construction: building blocks
I was told I’d actually be creating Web pages in this course? You’ve certainly learned a lot already: tags, elements, links, paths... but it’s all for nothing if you don’t create some killer Web pages with that knowledge. In this chapter of the book we’re going to ramp up construction: you’re going to take a Web page from conception to blueprint, pour the foundation, build it, and even put on some finishing touches. All you need is your hard hat and your tool belt, as we’ll be adding some new tools and giving you some insider knowledge that would make Tim “The Toolman” Taylor proud.
A Trip to Webville: getting connected
Web pages are a dish best served on the Internet.So far you’ve only created HTML pages that live on your own computer. You’ve also only linked to pages that are on your own computer. We’re about to change all that. In this chapter we’ll encourage you to get those Web pages on the Internet where all your friends, fans, and customers can actually see them. We’ll also reveal the mysteries of linking to other pages by cracking the code of the h, t, t, p, :, /, /, w, w, w. So, gather your belongings; our next stop is Webville.
There will also be more informational learning and fun things to do not listed in this module!
Prerequisites: High speed Internet access, e-mail, web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, familiarity with the Internet, a computer of any type.
·A detailed list with links will be provided after enrollment for all software needed.
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