The International Black Summit's 22nd Annual Event is taking place in Birmingham Alabama, Thursday through Sunday August 2nd - 5th, 2012. It is a Conversation and event being given by life to the world through people of Black African Descent that finds its' expression in the Declaration of The International Black Summit.*The Summit enfolds people from different countries, lifestyles, opinions and views to acknowledge, to celebrate and to empower each other in realizing their vision for the Black Community and the world. From all the diverse communities of the world that it has gathered: Atlanta, New Orleans, Baltimore,Toronto Canada, Chicago, Memphis, Philadelphia, New York City, Oakland California, Nairobi Kenya, Bahia, Brazil, Miami Florida, Top Hill Jamaica, Elmina Ghana, Highland Park Michigan, Johannesburg South Africa, Anguilla, London England and this year Birmingham, Alabama, the International Black Summit 'experience' has caused a Global shift in the conversation and contribution that people of African Descent are to the world.This Leap year marks the Eve of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement as well as the Twenty-Second Annual Event of The International Black Summit. Perhaps it's no coincidence that we'll congregate in the city of Birmingham Alabama where WE have a date with the vision of the people of Birmingham AND the vision expressed in the Declaration of the International Black Summit.We'd like to invite you to attend the Thursday Evening Opening Event on August 2nd, 7:00pm at the Doubletree Hilton Hotel. There is no cost to attend this program. Then, if you decide to participate in the Conversation of the Intl Black Summit Sessions Friday through Sunday, we'll let you know how to do that. You may contact us by this email, or call Altheal @ 217-816-1578. We look forward to your participationWhat is the *Declaration of The International Black Summit?It is a living document that was crafted by the participants of the very first Black Summit gathering in Atlanta Georgia, October 7, 1991. With and Inside of the Declaration we continue to bring forth who we declare ourselves to be. It speaks our visions and governs our relationship to each other and the world. Listen to the Declaration for yourself. What aspects of it speak to your vision?The Declaration Of The International Black Summit
WE DECLARE ourselves, our community and all communities whole and complete. There is nothing to do except be.WE ASSERT that we are responsible for generating community as possibility and distinction. We listen for and grant being to the possibility and creation of unpredictable results. Our conversation of, about, and for those of African descent is one of power, self generation, abundance, responsibility, unity and integrity, with the possibility of being.WE STAND for the expression of our spirituality; ending the murders of our men, women and children; building economies responsible for funding our community; maintaining wellnessof being in our bodies; providing human services; establishing nurturing relationships; altering the conversation of who we are in the media; empowering our youth.WE DECLARE that our community manifest itself in the world as a contribution in the transformation of the universe.Atlanta, Georgia October 7, 1991Thank you,"Even the ant has a storehouse."
Altheal Randolph
International Black Summit, 2012 Event in BHAM AL Register for the
Prerequisite Course
"Thank you for your question. The Thursday evening Event 8/2/12 is free. There is a tuition for the Required course called the Prerequisite Course - 'An Experience of the Black Summit' The cost is $100 for this day long course…
Your travel expenses are your own.
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YOUTH, ages 8-17, may request financial assistance to attend the Prerequisite and/or the Annual Summit Event. Click link below to download an application.
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