The International Black Summit Network


I have been in a lot of debate with women (Black and non-Black) over the recent abortion ban, and I just wanted to set the story straight regarding the term "Pro-Life", because some people's thought process is that when you claim "Pro-life" status, that it in some way relates to advocating rape and you are in some way celebrating rape and incest and this is my reply.

Allow me to begin by saying I support women's rights. I'm all for choice too, so long as you don't kill anybody. However, the argument begs the question, does abortion kill an innocent human being? If not, then we have no moral or ethical problem here. If however, abortion represents the killing of an innocent member of the human family (other than for medical reasons), it is immoral, unethical and cannot be justified. There is no such thing as a right to kill innocent people.

I have heard certain views on this issue and I will say ignorance is bliss, however I don't think some of you "get it" or understand and I want people to understand and express their views if they don't agree. When someone says they are pro-life (depending on whom you're talking to) it simply means that they advocate the right for a human being to live, breathe, and grow. They by no means expect you to affiliate that with glorifying rape and incest. An unwanted pregnancy can be punishing to say the least, but a child is NOT a punishment.

When our great-great-grandmothers gave birth to the slavemaster's children 400+ years ago, many of those children were conceived out of wedlock, hell some of our great grandmothers had up to 17 children (back to back) for the slavemaster and guess what Sisters? As much as we want to erase those painful memories of slavery, they KEPT those children, they loved them, breastfeed them, raised them to the best of their ability, and didn't try to kill them, and some even served as a cook and a nurse for the slavemaster's wife's children.

Some people say when you say you are pro-life, you are celebrating rape. Who said a damn thing about celebrating rape! I do sympathize with victims of rape and incest, I really do. And if I can help someone I will do everything in my power to do so, but most of the time (and I hate to say it) but not every woman or young girl has an abortion due to rape, incest, or medical reasons. They are just using abortion as a means of birth control, or because they feel that having a child robs them of their freedom, their independence or their "hourglass" figure. These women don't want to do the right thing. Whatever the so-called feminist movement tells us, and however they tell us to act, is precisely what we do. They've been so conditioned and set in their ways, they just can't see the forest for the trees. It just goes to show you what a self centered world we have become, it is a shame that most people cannot see the most basic principles of human life for what they really are. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. 

Safe and RESPONSIBLE sex should be something you should have learned from a young age by both parents and school health classes, that's all there is to it, being responsible with your body. To engage in a sexual act is to take the risk of creating a child, a human, and in every sense of the word, that being is a person. Such a decision is yours to make, but should you procreate a child, intended or not, wanted or unwanted, burden or not, that child is placed in YOUR womb.

You can choose to give that child to another through adoption if you truly are unable, but to resort to such measures to save yourself a little possible remorse is just disgusting. Imagine the remorse knowing that you took your child, whom you will inevitably think of years down the road, and did not even give them the chance for life, instead, you killed them. An irreversible decision that was never yours to make.

Life is precious, yet so often in this world where we in the name of "betterment of society" we choose to take advantage of the most innocent of children, and place their needs far below our wants. It is sick, selfish, and shameful. Each person is of value, it is not something a parent or any other can choose to give or take away, it is inherent and a basic human right. As is life. We can make excuse after pitiful excuse to justify ANY action if we are twisted enough, but such things always have been and always will be wrong. 

I am all for government programs that help the mothers carry their child full term and adopt them. In the meantime, get some common sense, use a pill or something and a condom. STOP being a fool, STOP using abortion as birth control and STOP giving your money to abortion clinics who aren't really concerned about your well being. All the abortion clinics are about is getting hundreds of millions of dollars out of the government each year. One or two abortions is a mistake, but multiple abortions ain't no mistake...that is more to the taste  of a ratchet whore.

I don't have to do a Google search, I've have met face to face with rape victims, abortion doctors and a few well-known OB-GYNs who are at the TOP of their game. I have reviewed the statistics and I could go deeper, but don't dare slam me for my views and assume that I'm an advocate for rapists.

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