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Jason Hardin
  • Male
  • Pasadena, CA
  • United States
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On April 21st, 1980, I was born in the Bay Area of northern California. At 6 months old I was diagnosed with cancer, and doctors said I would not live past the age of 3-years-old. Spending most of the first few years of my life in the hospital and the Ronald McDonald House in Los Angeles, I did survive beyond my third birthday with the help of renowned oncologist Dr. Jordan Wilbur. Though I survived the critical years of cancer, life became anything but easy. Carrying the scars left from the tumor and its treatments, I was forced to also endure a painful childhood. With both parents battling drug addiction and legal matters, I spent many years moving from place to place eventually attending 19 different schools before even reaching junior high, which is where I first truly began to capitalize on my entrepreneurial nature.

After enrolling at Pasadena High School, I believed that I had finally found a home. I fell so in love with the city that even though I went to live with my older brother in Van Nuys, I still caught the bus almost 3 hours every morning to get to school. During my years at Pasadena High, I made a name for myself as a football player, good student, and a businessman. Immediately after graduating in 1998, I was forced to leave my brother's house and
became homeless. Not wanting to alarm family and a dying father, I hardly let anyone know my situation. I would spend nights sleeping on 24-hour Metro bus lines until the sun came up.

For many years, I once again suffered instability as I moved from place to place eventually securing a place together with my girlfriend, Hardin took whatever work I could get while building a studio for my own music production business.

Though me and my friends became known throughout Pasadena as a rising production company, I discovered my interest for all the visual components of media that led me to establish Hardway Enterprise LLC. Before launching The DENA Magazine, I produced a short-run cable access show on what is now The Arroyo Channel 32. Using my
connections and experience in music and television production, I realized that my talents would be even more effective in creating a publication. Since then, my influence and reputation an entrepreneur has truly taken off. Within a year as a publication, The DENA Magazine has been recognized by the city's Chief of Police, City Council members, and countless business owners. The DENA Magazine is also the only magazine recognized by Wikipedia under "Pasadena, California".

Today, I try to be proactive member of the community and a hard-working businessman. When I'm not providing valuable marketing or management services for my clients, you can find me donating these services to deserving organizations or motivating others to pursue their dreams.

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At 12:41pm on July 29, 2017, KATE KWAME said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:(    ) for the full details.
Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.

Kate Kwame.


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