Today, September 11, 2008,
my parents,
Elma and McFarland Bragg, Sr.
celebrate 60 Years of Marriage
My mother sighed the other day saying, “September used to be such a nice month. Now it’s not anymore.”
I know her sigh was about MORE than the 9/11 national tragedy that this day has come to commemorate.
It’s also about the fact that her 3rd child, my only sister, Debora was cremated on Sept. 11th 13 years ago. She passed September 8, 1995. And THIS September 8th, we buried my sister-in-law Debra’s, father.
So, I have a HUGE request for those of you reading this, please do me a favor: assist me in acknowledging my parent’s phenomenal achievement, 60 years of marriage, especially in this day and age, by
going to the Chicago Tribune’s Announcement page and offering your CONGRATULATIONS!
It doesn’t have to be much, it could even be one word of: WOW, Congratulations, What an Achievement, U ROCK or something to that effect would be GREAT!
My Mom likes to give advice so you can even ask her (and Dad too) how they did it!
HERE: This takes you to the
CHICAGO TRIBUNE CELEBRATIONS page where you can post your greeting. ASSIST ME in making this AN ANNIVERSARY TO REMEMBER!!!
Later this afternoon I’ll have the PROFILE completed and more photos (there was a snafu and I wasn’t able to get to the page until TODAY!)
If you’d like to see that information either bookmark the page or return here and click on the link above.
Thanks so much
I Love You As You Are!
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