The International Black Summit Network

February 14th represents a snapshot in time. One day that the United States has declared as another money mania. Buy flowers, teddy bears, candy. Have dinner. Take a trip.Send cards.

I remember my indoctrination beginning in elementary school as I counted the number of valentine cards I gave and received from my friends. I remember Micheals mom coming to my 3rd grade class wanting to meet the little girl her son insisted he had to give a special gift (a necklace) and she hoped I liked it because she didn't have a little girl..just boys. I remember that same year being the recipient of a kiss and run..from Melvin Laforgy, the cooty white boy. As I got older, the gifts and expressions of affection continued and I became clear that I wanted to express and receive love every day.

Love for me does not begin or stop on a particular day. It is a continuous expression that is generated from within: given to self, then to others, a reciprical dance between humans on the planet. I am clear that each day I want to give and get love.

Are you givng/getting love? To yourself? To others? What are your views on Valentines Day? What things do you do to establish nurturing relationships?

What are your thoughts?...Respond to this blog and/or join the conversation Sunday Feb 14 on the IBS Talk Show 8pm 9pm EST.

We will also have an Oxygen after the show to continue the conversation 9- 9:30p.m. Listen to the show for the call in number for Oxygen - the place where you can breathe and release your thoughts off air.

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Comment by Chekesha Showers on February 16, 2010 at 5:58am
I listened to the show on Feb 14th. it had a profound effect on me. After calling in for the after the show session. One of the guest,Lisa thomas suggested that I share the insights I had gotten from the show with my first husband(I have been married 3 times.) I first didn`t want to share the confronting truth that had been spoken about on the show ,but decided to go ahead and call-This is what happen;

I called my Ex in Jamaica even though it was twenty minutes to midnight. (what better to get a late nite call

from someone who loves you at just before Valentine is over). He answered and I avoided talking about what I called about until I rememeber

what Llisa said about willing to confront the truth and what's available on the other side. So I brought up the

subject of our first year and children, his first response was I don't want to go there, I kept talking and he

resposed again let's not go there, but I continued and express how I now realized how honest and open he was

being with me by saying how he really felt, no matter how it sounded and that it was an acknowledgement of

who I had been being in our relationship that gave him the feeling he could be open with me as soon as I said I

understood that he had actually showed me he loved me by being open-He stopped me and said I have always

and still love you. He then went on to say that he had always felt I was the one for him and that he was sorry

for the immaturity that was present in him and our marriage that caused a block to the love that always have

been present in our relationship. He perhaps didn't say everything word for word as I written here but it was

very close . So I am very present to my beauty,love and essence of who I am and was being with this highly

intelligent,responsible very,very fine young Jamaican man who saw my beauty and awesome personality and

ability to love in 1969 and to presensce it for me in this moment some 40years later( which is code for if I want

him he is mine). Thank you guys for helping me complete my past (what a great Valentine gift-its still Feb

14th there) and to step into my future knowing there no where to get to I have always been there-a beatiful and

awesome woman that every man wants to be with as my roomate once said (and I took that vision of his instead of the pity party I was throwing for myself one nigtht.)

Askante sana to you all-Jonn,Lisa,Clara,International Black Summit TalkShow _Are You Getting and GivingLove

Is a Resounding YES

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