For the past few months, I've been asking my friend James, former IBS Facilitator and former IBS Commando, to participate with the team for having 500 Butts In THEIR Seats at the 21st Annual International Black Summit, Aug 4-7, 2011 in Chicago.
The other night, as I listened him speaking about how he'd spent his day with his landlord and friend Derek, then continued his day by lunching with his friends John and David, I suddenly began to think of his other men friends, Freddie and Luther, and his comraderie with all the men in his life. That image evoked a warm feeling in me and I heard myself blurt out, "James, you can have your own Summit Share with Men!"
He immediately replied, "And I can do it over the phone!"
"YES!", I hollered!
What I LOVE about using the phone (or SKYPE or TOKBOX) is that a physical location is no longer an issue, distance is no longer an issue, geography is no issue. The SHARE can be INTERNATIONAL and done from the comfort of your home! YEAH!!
And, yes, we have had Telephone Summit Shares in the past, however, they haven't been focused on a particular COMMUNITY within the Black Community, i.e. men, women, young adults, etc.. AND we have had a couple of men in the Summit begin reaching out to other men in the Summit, i.e. John M., Claudy C. and lately Preston K. spoke that idea.
As James and I continued to talk, he then began to speak the names of men, creating a list, of other Summit men and men in his life whom he could invite. He continued on by having a converation with Jonn T. to facilitate the virtual Share and partner with him in having the Share.
From their conversation, a Facebook Fan Page was created - The Holy Trininty for Black Men which is about men Being Accountable, Taking Responsibility and Making a Difference in the World by embodying and living THE DECLARATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BLACK SUMMIT! - and a date and time was specified: February 8th, 8pm EST. How about THAT?
Over the next few days, since that conversation with James, COMMUNITY has taken on a different energy and life. I've begun to listen community differently. I've begun to hear community as more expansive and yet inclusive at the same time. The community which began as "Men in the Summit", has now become the community of :
What has opened up is a new appreciation for the 1st and Last lines of the Declaration concerning community.
1st sentence: We declare ourselves, our community (of ministers, techies, artists, GLBT, mothers and fathers, seniors and elders, etc.) and all communities whole and complete.
Last sentence: We declare that our community (of students and educators, small business owners and entrepreneurs, youth and young adults, etc.) manifests itself in the world as a contribution in the transformation of the universe.
What is your vision for YOUR community, of parents and grandparents, husbands and wives, couples and singles, elected officials, managers, co-workers, etc.?
When are you gonna' have a Summit Share for YOUR community?
How can I support you?
P.S. more COMMUNITY in the Declaration:
Help Fund the Expansion of the International Black Summit!!!
YOUTH, ages 8-17, may request financial assistance to attend the Prerequisite and/or the Annual Summit Event. Click link below to download an application.
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