The International Black Summit Network

Lady Blues Jacqueline Amos
  • Female
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • United States
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Personal Bio
Jacqueline is a published author who published books such as Jacqueline has been featured in 18 one-woman art shows. Jacqueline is also documented with Brooklyn Council of the Arts, Museum of Modern Art, United Freedom Foundation, Olympic Visions in Harlem, John F. Kennedy Performing Arts, Humanitarian Services Award, Brooklyn Museum, Harlem State Building, International Directory of Artist,, American artist for famous Artist, Schaumburg Library of Black Studies, Proclamation from Borough President of Brooklyn, Plaque, Rhythm an Blues Singer, Nominated to receive the international Merit Award of Poetry, International World Wide Artist Registry. Jacqueline has been also documented Black Poet Society, and One Million Movement. Which she performed at the Harlem State Building. Jacqueline is also affiliated with Medgar College Alumni. Jacqueline created a painting for Honorable Winnie Mandela at the Victoria Theater. Jacqueline has spent most of her time donating many of her paintings to charities. Whether it is her services to programs for children. Jacqueline Amos is an Ordained Minster, she is the director of Missions World Wide, International Faith Restoration ctr, She has been awarded the Humanitarian award by the Philippians People Ministry. Jacqueline have donated paintings to schools, lawyers, universities, auctions, educational facilities, these are just some of her contributions. Which also holds collection of Artist, Poet, Author, Jacqueline Amos
For Immediate Release


Jacqueline Amos Honored as a VIP Member by
Cambridge Who’s Who for Excellence in Authorship and the Arts
BROOKLYN, NY, February 8, 2010, Jacqueline Amos, Published Author and Blues Artist, and Visual Artist, has been recognized as a VIP Member by Cambridge Who’s Who for showing dedication, leadership and excellence in all aspects of authorship and the arts and education, .

With 35 impressive years of professional experience in the arts, Ms. Amos is truly an inspired visionary. Recipient of the Humanitarian Services Award, the Outstanding Artist Award and the Literature Award, her written works include, but are not limited to, A Message To A Black Son (2005) In My Fathers House (2004), All Men Who Ware Shades Ain’t Blind (2005). The Talking Tree (2005) Black Waters Tell Them My Name (2005), I Am A Black Women, I Am Old Enough To Dye (2005), A Message To A Daughter Honor Shall Not Be Removed (2004), Black Mans Diary (2006) What You Know About A Ghetto Child (2005) Songs of Experience, God Light Is Green, etc.

Ms. Amos received her Bachelor’s Degree in Education and an Associate of Arts with a concentration in early childhood education from Medgar Evers College. Jacqueline was also featured on Medgar Evers College Radio(Biography, Roundtable Radio, Supreme Court Building, One Million Women March, City Bank, Long Island University, Public Schools, Harlem Gallery, John F. Kennedy Performing Arts, Charles Inns Memorial Library, Women Creative Expressions, Medgar Evers College Art Auction and Sale, Featuring the works of renown Black Artist, Sky Light Gallery, A Moment Of Time Independent Arts Gallery, Federal Plaza, Jacqueline has been an access to Educational, Universities, Corporations, Churches, Jacqueline mentored at the New Rochelle School of New Resources, Brooklyn Campus Faith Annual Career Day Conference, Medgar Evers College, Junior High Schools, Public Schools, Essie Davis Memorial Annual Scholarship Fund Committee , Black Woman History Month Family Jazz loft, Jacqueline created a painting for Honorable Winnie Mandela at the Victoria Theater Of Harlem. Jacqueline has spent most of her time donating many of her paintings to charities. Whether it is her services to programs for children. Jacqueline donated 5 paintings all proceeds donated to the children of Assin Kruwa for Brand New School House. Which was honored to chief test Zakia of Harlem. She has also volunteered her services to human life. Jacqueline honored the late Queen Mother Moore a painting In My Fathers House. Queen Mother Moore marched with Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey, Medgar Evers and many civil rights leaders. Many Collectors hold Jacqueline’s works of Art. Doctors, Universities, Hospitals, Churches, Banks, Corporations. Jacqueline prefer working in acrylic, but her over all goals are mix media. Jacqueline has combined her talents and promote all at the same time. Jacqueline has also honored Sonny Carson a painting that now sits in the office Committee To Honor Black Heroes.

Jacqueline is a graduate of Medgar Evers College, Cambridge Who's Who In America, Emerald, Jacqueline Amos a publish Author, documented with the Museum of Modern Art, Brooklyn Museum, Schaumburg Library Of Black Studies, Ethiopia Coptic Church Museum, American Artist Association, International Word Wide Registry, Harlem Gallery, Harlem State Culture Building, John F. Kennedy Performing Arts, Medgar Evers College Historical Art Archives, Brooklyn Counsel Of The Arts, Emerald Who’s Who’ Executives and Professionals, World Wide Artist, Humanitarian Award, Philippians and American People, Proclamation Noumi Arts (Borough President, Howard Golden Proclamation from, (David A. Patterson, New York State Senate, 29th District, Bedford Styvesant Art and Culture, Black Hero’s, Medgar Evers College Alumni

Jacqueline Amos has been archived with the Renown Artist Skylight Gallery at Medgar Evers College, the Harlem Gallery, and Belsky Art Society, World Wide Review of Jacqueline Amos By Jurate Macnoriute Europe, Ethiopian Orthodox Coptic Museum, The Center of Art and Culture of Bedford Stuyvesant Inc,, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Schaumburg Library of Black Studies, the International Directory of Artists, and the World Wide Art Registry. Ms. Amos has been featured on BCAT Television and performed 18 one-woman art shows. She has been featured at the African Cafe, on the Medgar Evers College radio, Rotunda and in the 7 episodes of The Biography of Artist Jacqueline Amos.

About Cambridge Who’s Who
Cambridge Who’s Who is an exclusive membership organization that recognizes and empowers executives, professionals and entrepreneurs throughout the world. From healthcare to law, engineering to finance, manufacturing to education, every major industry is represented by its 400,000 active members.
Cambridge Who’s Who membership provides individuals with a valuable third party endorsement of their accomplishments and gives them the tools needed to brand themselves and their businesses effectively. In addition to publishing biographies in print and electronic form, Cambridge Who’s Who offers an online networking platform where members can establish new business relationships and achieve career advancement within their company, industry or profession.
For more information, please see
Ellen Campbell
Director, Media Relations

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Lady Blues Jacqueline Amos's Blog

Amazon And Ecampus and Those Who They Distribute to Hi Jack My Book, Blowing The Whistle

Posted on August 31, 2010 at 10:53pm 0 Comments

Jacqueline Amos

Brooklyn NY


Ecampus tried to steal my design, they added there logo on my cover, copyrights below, this is racism, Idenity theft, And Tax Evasion, Who do Amazon claim to be the Author of this book, and how do they file there income taxes under somebody else name, this author taxes is being put in… Continue

Tears Of My Ancestors, Artist Jacqueline Amos

Posted on July 10, 2010 at 2:32pm 0 Comments


Have I not felt the pain of you my brother?

Have I not cried the same song?

...Have I not watch my babies

Descended in this holocaust call revivals?

Ain’t know doors to shift the pain,

So now the walls close…


My Allegiance To God And My King

Posted on July 10, 2010 at 2:11pm 1 Comment

My Allegiance To God And My King

On this day and last occasion ; I promise to you my royal King, that I the Queen shall be the shadow of your eyes and truth, You shall never walk alone, life or death, I shall lead you to the gates of heaven, seek not the… Continue


Posted on July 10, 2010 at 2:00pm 0 Comments

Black" Man, A Moor, John Hanson

Was the First President of the United States! 1781-1782 A.D.??? George Washington was really the 8th President of the United States! George Washington was not the first President of the United States. In fact, the first President of the United States was one John Hanson. Don't go checking the encyclopedia for this guy's name - he is one of those great men that are lost to history. If you're extremely lucky, you may… Continue

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At 12:22pm on January 26, 2011, JERRY THOMAS said…
Peace  my queen I was thinking about u which u ok that all . Please check my summit page I have a conference call show every wed night at 9:00 pm est. Hope to hear from u peace my queen.
At 5:29pm on September 30, 2010, JERRY THOMAS said…
Hi my sister I be started a group today name J.T. M.V.P. THINKING FOR OURSELFS 6:00PM it started the mumber is 1-605-475-4001 acess 1037190# hope to hear from u peace.
At 7:32am on July 11, 2010, JERRY THOMAS said…
read my blog please.
At 7:29am on July 11, 2010, JERRY THOMAS said…
I thank u my queen always for again take time for me. There a whole lot of sisters don't love us at all do they understand we got taking away from the motherland ( AFRICA) ? I know we have to solve our own problems I got but the same time it not all our false. There are vises out around us that don't want us to be together as a race & somewhat the sad thing its braking us apart. I don't care I LOVE OUR RACE WE THE FIRST MAKE THIS WORLD BEAUTIFUL HA! We develop everything that other races benffit in this time but as always we last to get credit & I DON'T LIKE IT. Some of us is timid im not because african whom came before me & plus give their life for us. I be damm that I let another race tell me to fight & make our conditions better for us NO. Peace to u & family.
At 10:04pm on July 9, 2010, JERRY THOMAS said…
I thank u for trust in us my sister because we always under attack as a blackman & the sisters too. Stay strong my sister u bring me up to carry on read my blog -IM FROM THE INNER CITY - tell me what u think peace to u & family our race too.
At 3:43pm on June 10, 2010, Black Genocide Bad said…
Please check out Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America

They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.

But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America's wealthy elite had decided it was time for them to disappear and they were not particular about how it might be done.

What you are about to see is that the plan these people set in motion 150 years ago is still being carried out today. So don't think that this is history. It is not. It is happening right here, and it's happening right now.

Pass the word !
The Maafa21 Must End!

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